Adding Testimonials to Your Website or Social? Read this First.

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Highlighting testimonials on your website or social media is an excellent way for prospective clients to get a better sense of what it's like to work with you and allows them to see a positive brand history. But before you post them online, it’s important to understand the legal repercussions around them.

Think of when you visit a website and consider making a purchase — the reviews or testimonials are very likely to sway your decision. The same applies for entrepreneurs offering service. Potential clients want to gain insight into the experience and deliverables you offer. 

The best testimonials are transparent and authentic – they are genuine, aren’t overly ‘salesy’, and endorse your legitimacy. To be in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), endorsements and testimonials must reflect the honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences of the endorser. Honesty remains the best policy!

Before you go ahead and post the testimonials to your site, blog or other social platforms, be sure to have the express consent from the author in writing and outline any terms involved. Plus, if you’re featuring a picture, make sure the person providing it to you actually owns the rights to that photo and has the authority to grant your permission to use it for your marketing purposes. The easiest way to do this is to include a clause in your client services contract or website T&Cs and privacy policy that states that any testimonials submitted to your website or social media can be used for marketing purposes. This clause will protect you down the line should a client wish to have their testimonial retracted or claim that you don’t have authority to use their material. Add an Online Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy to your site with this lawyer-drafted contract template.

While it can seem harmless to add kind words to your site or social media, if you don’t obtain written consent ahead of time, you could be held liable. Having a clause in your client services contract and a visible Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy on your site will ensure you are in the clear down the road and can share the wonderful things your clients have to say about you and your business! 

For more information, connect with us at AWE Legal by filling out our contact form or check out our complete DIY contract template shop for entrepreneurs by visiting AWE Contracts.